Facing a murder charge can be downright scary. However, with a strong defense, you may have a good chance of clearing your reputation and name. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about how to beat a murder charge with the right attorney, of course. A criminal defense lawyer will explain your rights and help you weigh your options in order to receive the best outcome for your case.
Ways to Beat a Murder Charge With an Attorney
The following tips will explain how you can completely erase a murder defense in your name.
Not Being Able to Prove the Facts Surrounding the Case
The best way to beat a murder charge is by not having sufficient evidence. In order for a prosecutor to successfully convict a person of a murder charge, there are certain elements that must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt including:
- Deliberation
- Pre-meditation
- The murder of another person
- Specific intent to kill
If any of the above-listed elements don’t exist in the murder case, then the charge will be dropped. However, while it may not be enough to convict a person of first-degree murder, lesser charges may still be on the table.
Incidental Killing
If a person was accidentally killed following an unintentional act, then the person will rarely be convicted of murder. Accidental killing, however, can result in lesser charges including involuntary or voluntary manslaughter. If an incidental homicidal happens as a result of another intention, you may still be convicted of first or second-degree murder under the law.
Case of Mistaken Identity
If your attorney can try to prove that your murder charge was indeed a case of mistaken identity, strong evidence is needed. But, if your attorney can successfully prove this, your murder charge may be dropped. Your attorney must prove that the prosecution charged the wrong individual with murder. Evidence is also needed that shows you were not at the scene of the crime when it occurred. Any other evidence that the prosecution presents may also be challenged by your attorney including witness statements and forensic evidence.
There are various ways that you as a defendant can make an argument stating that the murder you committed was justified. If this is the case, your charge may not be considered first-degree. But, again, it’s up to your attorney to prove that the murder you committed was justified.
Here are some ways that your murder charge may be justified:
- Self-defense- The defendant must be able to prove that the murder that was committed was the result of self-defense. Your attorney should be able to prove that using reasonable force to resist was credible since you were in fear of your life.
- Exercise of duty-This is a defense strategy that is specifically for law enforcement. There are laws in place that keep law enforcement officers protected from being convicted for killings only if excessive force was not used.
- Defense of others-Your attorney may also argue that the murder you committed was justifiable if you had to defend another person using force.
Final Thoughts
Criminal defense attorneys understand that just because you were accused of murder, it doesn’t mean that you are automatically guilty or will be convicted. If you’ve been charged with murder, you need a good criminal defense attorney that will fight for your rights. They will either try to have your charges dismissed or acquitted.